Contoh Model Soal PAT Kelas 10 SMA dan Structure dalam Tes Masuk PT Kedinasan/STAN dan tes TOEFL

Jumat 17-04-2020,09:15 WIB
Reporter : Yuda Sanjaya
Editor : Yuda Sanjaya

C. Common people may prove great ones.

D. United we stand, divided we fall.

E. Honesty begins at home.

Jawaban :. C.Common people may prove great ones.

Hal tersebut bisa disimpulan dari si tikus yang melambangkan orang biasa , dan dia mampu melakukan sesuatu yang hebat dengan menyelamatkan singa.


3. Paragraph three mainly tells that….

A. the little mouse asked for forgiveness


B. the hunters carried the lion alive to the king

C. the lion was tied to a tree by the hunters

D. the little mouse could prove that he could help the lion

E. from the first, the lion believed in what the little mouse said

Jawaban :. D.the little mouse could prove that he could help the lion

Paragraf 3 menceritakan usaha keras tikus menyelamatkan singa seperti yang ia janjikan kepada singa sebelumnya.

4. What did the little mouse do to prove his words?

A. He would never forget the lion.

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