Contoh Model Soal PAT Kelas 10 SMA dan Structure dalam Tes Masuk PT Kedinasan/STAN dan tes TOEFL

Contoh Model Soal PAT Kelas 10 SMA dan Structure dalam Tes Masuk PT Kedinasan/STAN dan tes TOEFL

Our first trip to Snow Mountains was very exciting. We went with a group of foreign students from different parts of the world. We went by bus to Canberra and then we went up to the mountain. And believe me, you need to be an expert driver because the road was rough and wet. We had to go very slowly and cautiously.

Luckily, our driver was a real professional. He did a great job taking us to the mountains, but I saw many good cars sliding off the roads. The police were made busy by those accidents, but the police seemed to have anticipated the situations. They had all kinds of equipment to help the poor cars.

When we reached the resort area, a nice warm meal was waiting in a nice and warm dining room. It was a relief. Then we had to hire the \"Snow-Mountain gear\" like caps, scarves, thick jackets, and snow boots. We simply had to do that or we would have been freezing to death. I felt really big and fat in that outfit and I had to learn how to walk in snow.

The most exciting part was the toboggan ride. Toboggan is basically a fiberglass board designed to slide down the snowy slopes. So I climbed up the hill and then I sat down on the toboggan. I held on to ropes used to steer and slid down the hill. It turned out that my steering ropes weren\'t tied on correctly, so I could not control my toboggan properly. I slid down really fast without being able to control where I was going. So I ended up plugging into a freezing cold creek! …

6. Why was an expert driver needed to drive to Snow Mountains? Because ….
A. the roads were snowy
B. the roads were slippery
C. it was a comfortable trip
D. there were a lot of accidents there
E. it was the trip to the snowy mountains

Jawaban : B. the roads were slippery
Hal tersebut bisa dilihat dari kutipan berikut:…. And believe me, you need to be an expert driver because the road was rough and wet,. Ini berarti jalan menuju ke Snow Mountain licin (slippery).

7. \"We had to go very slowly and cautiously,\" (Paragraph 2)
The synonym of the underlined word is ….
A. dangerously
B. clumsily
C. carefully
D. anxiously
E. patiently

Jawaban : C. carefully
Carefully bermakna dengan hati hati, maka kata yang sesuai adalah cautiously.

8. Why did the writer love to go to the snow mountains?
A. He was living in Sydney.
B. Sydney never has snow in winter.
C. The weather is very cold.
D. The temperature could go as minus 5 degrees.
E. The way to the mountains was very challenging.

Jawaban : B. Sydney never has snow in winter.
Hal tewrsebut bisa ditemukan dalam kutipan berikut:… “When my family was living in Sydney, we used to go to a place called Snow Mountains because Sydney never has snow in winter”.

9. By writing the text, the writer intends to___
A. amuse the readers with his experience
B. retell his past misery
C. describe a particular place named Snow Mountain
D. share his past journey to snow mountain
E. entertain the readers with a past experience

Jawaban : D. share his past journey to snow mountain
Teks diatas adalah sebuah recount text, dimana purpose/intentionnya adalah to retell/share the writer’s past experience, event, or happening.
Sehingga, possible answer adalah opsi B dan D. jawaban yang paling tepat adalah opsi D, karena teks di atas menceritakan perjalanan penulis ke Snow Mountain yang menyenangkan.

Paired conjunctions
Penalaran :
Pasangan harus sesuai, tidak boleh ditukar
Not only…..but als¬o……._ Both………..and………..__

7. Andy bought not only a new car…..
A. And also a new house
B. But a new house
C. Nor a new house
D. but also a new house

Jawaban : D
Pembahasan :
Pola Not only harus diikuti dengan but also, sehingga menjadi Andy bought not only a new car but also a new house

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