Contoh Soal soal UTBK Bahasa Inggris

Selasa 31-03-2020,09:15 WIB
Reporter : Yuda Sanjaya
Editor : Yuda Sanjaya


Preceding paragaph paragraf sebelum teks ) berkaitan erat dengan paragraf pertama kalimat pertama, dan memuat informasi yang lebih general (umum).

Karena paragraf pertama kalimat pertama memuat informasi tentang efek kekurangan vitamin D pada kesehatan, maka paragraf sebelumnya berisi info yang lebih umum namun tetap berkaitan dengannya. Sehingga opsi yang paling tepat adalah ..” vitamin D and its benefits to our health”..( vitamin D dan manfatnya pada kesehatan).

4. For whom the passage is intended?

A. doctors and medical staff

B. the students of medical faculty

C. people in general

D. the minister of health


E. physicians

Jawaban: C


Teks diatas adalah teks yang berisi informasi umum tentang efek kekurangan vitamin D pada kesehatan, sehingga teks tersebut ditujukan kepada para pembaca secara luas/umum ( people in general).

Text 2

The use of narcotics and illegal drugs does not merely have an impact on mental and behavioral disorders. Even worse, drugs damage the heart and can lead to death. The effects of drugs on the heart vary, ranging from mild, severe, to death.

There are three types of drugs that cause death in the heart muscle: cocaine, amphetamines, and ecstasy. These three types of drug substances have a similar effect on the heart. They cause an increase in the catecholamine hormone which makes the heart work harder. The effect of consuming it is a sudden increase in blood pressure. As a result, the heart muscles\' demand for oxygen increases. The long-term effect of using this type of drug can damage (tie walls of the blood vessels, both the arteries and coronary arteries. This condition causes a tear in the blood vessel wall. In addition, damage to the heart muscle can interfere with the heart\'s pumping function and cause heart rhythm disturbances. The heart rates can become very fast and a cardiac arrest can happen.

Other groups of drugs that damage the heart are LSD (Lysergic Acid Diethylamide) and psilocybin, which causes hallucinations. The effect of these substances on the heart is an increase in the heart rate and blood pressure though it is not as high as that caused by cocaine or amphetamines. A rare but quite serious effect is a heart rhythm disorder in the form of tachyarrhythmia where the heart rate increases very rapidly. The next prohibited substance is morphine and its derivatives.

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